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The Hollow Tombstone

Sabrina was camping with her friends at a park near La Plata, Maryland. After a full day of activities, they sat down around a fire to exchange horror stories. Donnie, the prankster of the group, began with a tale about a curse placed on one of the inhabitants of La Plata. This resident, he claimed, was buried in the local cemetery and cursed to have his soul stuck there forever, unable to pass on to the afterlife.

“That’s malarkey, you just made that up,” Sabrina said, rolling her eyes.

With a smirk, Donnie retorted, “If you don’t believe me, prove it. Visit the cemetery tonight.”

Sabrina got up, grabbed her flashlight, and dared her friends to accompany her. Not one of them took up her challenge. Determined to prove Donnie wrong, she set off alone.

The cemetery was bathed in the dim light of the moon. Sabrina weaved through rows of moss-covered headstones, eventually reaching an abandoned section. Ignoring a “No Trespassing” sign, she pressed deeper until she found a peculiar grave with freshly dug, loose soil.

The silence of the night was shattered when a faint whisper drifted from behind her.

Sabrina spun around, her flashlight beam cutting through the darkness. No one was there. “Donnie, this isn’t funny!” she called out, but there was no response. Determined to stay strong, she approached the grave to read the name on the headstone.

The whispers returned, louder this time. “Come with me,” they beckoned.

Sabrina froze. Panic took over, and she turned to flee, but her foot caught on something firm, sending her sprawling into the loose soil beside the grave. Her hands met the hollow ground, and she felt it crumble under her weight.

“Come with me,” the whispers said again, now more insistent. Sabrina screamed, clawing at the soil as she was pulled down into the darkness. Her flashlight rolled away, and she felt the clammy grip of cold fingers tighten around her throat, dragging her beneath the soil next to the tombstone.

An hour later, Donnie and the group started to worry. They ventured to the cemetery to search for Sabrina. When they couldn’t find her, they called the police, and townsfolk joined the search. In the daylight, they scoured the cemetery but found no trace of Sabrina. All that remained was the peculiar tombstone and Sabrina’s flashlight beside it. From the silence of the abandoned graveyard, faint whispers floated on the breeze.

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