Once upon a Halloween night in the sleepy town of Willowbrook, four kids, Matt, Jenny, Leo, and Sarah, set out on their annual trick-or-treating quest. Dressed in their scariest costumes, they planned to hit every house in the neighborhood, collecting all the candy they could carry.
Matt, a tall boy with curly black hair, wore a werewolf costume. Jenny, with her short, spiky red hair, dressed as a vampire. Leo, the youngest of the group, donned a ghost outfit, and Sarah, the oldest, was decked out as a witch. The four friends had been inseparable since kindergarten, and they knew each other’s deepest fears.
Before leaving, Matt’s mother warned them not to visit Old McDonald’s house. She told them the old man was a recluse and a sourpuss who hated Halloween. The kids exchanged glances, and a mischievous smile spread across their faces. They thought it would be funny to prank Old McDonald and give him a taste of Halloween spirit.
The friends started their trick-or-treating journey, visiting several houses and collecting bags full of candy. As the evening darkened, they approached the end of the street, where Old McDonald’s house stood like a grim sentinel. The ancient Victorian manor loomed over them, with dark windows that seemed to stare back.
As they crept closer, they could feel the atmosphere change. The air grew colder, and an eerie silence enveloped them. Undeterred, they hatched their plan to scare Old McDonald. They decided that Sarah, the best at crafting spells, would cast an illusion to make the old man believe that ghosts and goblins had invaded his home.
Sarah recited her fake spell, and suddenly, the front door creaked open. The children couldn’t believe it. Hesitantly, they entered the house, their hearts pounding. Inside, they found a dimly lit room filled with dusty old books and curious artifacts. Old McDonald, a hunched figure with a long white beard, stood in the middle of the room, his piercing blue eyes staring at them.
“I knew you would come,” he said, his voice crackling like dry leaves. “Trying to scare an old man, are you?”
The children exchanged nervous glances, realizing that their prank had been discovered. Before they could apologize, Old McDonald raised his arms, and a gust of wind blew through the room. The walls came alive with grotesque monsters and sinister spirits, reaching out for the terrified children.
Matt’s werewolf costume sprouted real fur, and he felt the uncontrollable urge to howl. Jenny’s vampire fangs grew long and sharp, and she felt an unbearable thirst for blood. Leo’s ghost costume transformed into a spectral shroud, making him feel insubstantial and adrift. Sarah’s witch costume bound her hands together, making it impossible for her to cast any spells.
The children screamed, realizing that Old McDonald was an ancient mage, and they had made a terrible mistake. They begged for mercy, promising never to bother him again.
Old McDonald looked at the terrified children and began to chuckle. The laughter boomed through the house, as the sinister magic dissipated. The children’s costumes returned to normal, and the monstrous apparitions vanished.
“Let this be a lesson to you,” Old McDonald said, his eyes twinkling. “You can’t scare someone who has been practicing magic for centuries.”
As the kids sheepishly nodded their understanding, the old mage softened his expression. He reached into his pocket and handed them each a handful of candy.
“Now, off you go,” he said. “And remember, I’m not the enemy you assumed I was. I may be old and cranky, but I still have a sense of humor.”
The children thanked Old McDonald and hurried out of the house, their hearts still racing from the terrifying experience. They walked home in silence, clutching their bags of candy, and knew they would never forget the frightful prank at Old McDonald’s Manor.
Every Halloween after that, the friends would share knowing glances when they passed Old McDonald’s house, but they never dared to bother him again. As the years went by, the tale of the old mage and the spooky prank became a whispered legend among the children of Willowbrook. And though they grew older and braver, Matt, Jenny, Leo, and Sarah could never shake the feeling that Old McDonald was always watching, ready to teach them another magical lesson if they ever dared to cross him again.
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