Teenagers play with a Ouija board and regret it

There is a story from back in the day about some students from Lackey (a High School in Indian Head, MD) and their encounter with an otherworldly entity. I don’t know if it’s true because I heard it from my buddy Gary, and he heard it from someone else, but it goes like this:

It was a dark and stormy night (maybe) when a group of students, Rachel, Jake, Ashley, Mark, and Amanda, gathered in Rachel’s basement to play with a Ouija board. The whole thing was Rachel’s idea after she saw it on a local news report. They also had heard the rumors of the board being a gateway to the other side and wanted to experience it for themselves.

Rachel was the debate team’s captain and always looked for a thrill. Jake was her boyfriend and the star quarterback of the football team. Ashley was the popular cheerleader who always went along with the crowd. Mark was the outcast of the group, but he was always up for an adventure. Amanda was the quiet one who only came along because she didn’t want to be left out.

As they placed their hands on the planchette, they started asking questions to the other side. At first, they received vague answers but as the night went on, the responses became more specific and personal. They were amazed by the accuracy of the answers and couldn’t believe what they were experiencing.

However, things turned for the worst when the planchette started moving on its own, spelling out messages that chilled them to the bone. The group became frightened and tried to end the session, but the planchette wouldn’t budge. Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming down the basement stairs, but when they turned on the lights, no one was there.

In the coming days, strange things started happening to each of them. Ashley started having nightmares, Mark was suddenly plagued by accidents, Amanda was consumed by fear and refused to leave her room, and Rachel and Jake were tormented by a mysterious figure that followed them everywhere they went.

The group soon realized that they probably had opened a portal to the other side, and something was communicating with them that was not of this world. It seems that the entity that was summoned had attached itself to each of them and was using them to gain access to our world.

In a desperate attempt to rid themselves of the entity, they returned to the basement and performed a banishing ritual they found online (you’ll be surprised how many forums about this stuff are out there). As they spoke the incantation, the entity fought back with all its might, causing the basement to shake and items to fly off the shelves. But in the end, the group was successful, and the entity was banished back to the other side.

However, the experience left a lasting impact on each of them. They never spoke of the Ouija board again, but they could feel the entity’s presence lingering, waiting for its next opportunity to cross over. The students were left with a sense of unease, always looking over their shoulders and wondering if the entity would ever return.

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