Rex Deacon: No Rest for the Wicked – Part 3

Rain was drizzling on the edges of the city of Las Vegas when Rex “Shadow” Deacon and the rest of the squad retreated from the perimeter of the paramilitary camp. They had witnessed enough to gauge the magnitude of the task they were up against – the compound was swarming with armed guards and seemed to be teeming with layers of security measures, ranging from CCTV cameras, drone patrols, and likely a battalion of loyal and well-armed henchmen. The place reeked of a fortress, and one could bet that Gio Van Bueno was tucked away safely inside its ominous walls.

As the crew reached Esme’s hideout, a warehouse nestled within the labyrinth of Vegas’s industrial sector, tension hung in the air. Esme’s contacts had pulled through in providing invaluable information on the camp, revealing its tie to a formidable foreign criminal organization that had been vying for the secret information from Van Bueno.

“I’m not sure we have enough firepower to take on a paramilitary camp,” Rex admitted as they huddled around a makeshift table littered with blueprints of the camp, his voice echoing off the cold steel walls of the warehouse.

Esme glanced at him with a hint of amusement. “Then I guess it’s time you saw my personal collection,” she said with a sly smile, flicking a hidden switch on the wall.

A large section of the concrete floor descended, revealing a staircase. Below, a fully stocked armory bristled with all sorts of weaponry – rifles, pistols, grenades, and an assortment of blades that could arm an entire regiment. There was a wicked glint in Esme’s eyes as she watched Rex’s expression change from surprise to admiration.

In the following days, Esme’s warehouse transformed into a bustling hub of activity as they sought to build a mini-army. Esme used her contacts to hire some of the most effective local mercenary groups, each member a battle-hardened veteran. Alliances were forged, weapons were handed out, and a palpable sense of determination filled the air.

The plan was laid out meticulously. Their mercenary army would launch a full-frontal assault on the paramilitary camp, aiming to draw the attention of the guards and stretch their defenses thin. Meanwhile, Rex and his crew would infiltrate from a lesser-known back entrance, making their way stealthily toward Van Bueno.

The night of the assault arrived quicker than they anticipated. Amidst the chaos of gunfire and explosions, Rex and his crew successfully infiltrated the camp. After several hair-raising encounters, they located Van Bueno in a lavish bunker, surrounded by more wealth than Rex had seen in his entire life.

Van Bueno, a heavyset man with sharp eyes, seemed unsurprised. He casually sipped a glass of red wine as he appraised Rex and his crew. He launched into a self-indulgent speech about how corrupt governments were responsible for the state of the world, and how he was offering an alternative. His words were coated with honeyed promises of power, wealth, and respect, as he tried to coax Rex into his cause.

Rex’s response was a smirk, his eyes cold as he looked at the man who had given him quite a chase. He said, his voice steady and firm, “I’m not for sale, Gio. And I’ve come to collect my bounty.”

As chaos reigned outside, Rex subdued Gio Van Bueno, effectively ending the reign of a criminal kingpin. They retreated, leaving behind a ruined paramilitary camp, a foiled criminal organization, and a clear message to anyone who dared cross Rex “Shadow” Deacon – there was truly no rest for the wicked

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