
Letters To Dr. McGee – Mirror To Another Dimesion

Dear readers, allow us to introduce you to the enigmatic figure behind our spine-tingling tales: Dr. Weird McGee. A renowned scholar of the supernatural, Dr. McGee probes the shadowy realms of the paranormal, bridging the divide between the seen and unseen. His stories are not mere fiction; they’re riveting experiences that challenge our perception of reality. So prepare for a thrilling journey into the unknown with the esteemed Dr. Weird McGee.

Dear Dr. Weird McGee,

Man, this is so wild but I gotta spill it, dude. It’s like, I’ve got this totally far-out story to tell you.

So I’ve got this, like, old mirror, right? It’s been in my family for, like, generations or something, really vintage stuff. Most of the time, it’s just a regular mirror – you look into it, see your reflection, you know the drill. But here’s the kicker, Doctor. When I’ve been puffing the magic dragon, this mirror ain’t so normal anymore.

I ain’t making this up, Doc, I swear on my dog! This one time, I had just finished, like, my third bowl, right? And I go to check myself out in the mirror, just to see how red my eyes are. But then, BAM! It’s like I’m staring straight into another world, man!

This ain’t like your usual high hallucinations, Doc. It ain’t floating pizzas or talking dogs or anything. I mean, I see people, places, and colors that don’t even exist here. It’s like this whole other reality, man, right in my mirror! But it only happens with this mirror, the rest of them in my house are like, just mirrors.

I don’t know if it’s the green goddess showing me the secrets of the universe, or if this mirror’s just, like, haunted or something, but it’s totally gnarly, man.

Anyway, just thought I’d share that with you. Keep it chill, Doc.

Peace, Sam S.

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